Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Repo! The Genetic Opera

Danni: So, I know you liked the atrocity that is Repo! The Genetic Opera, but why?  What is there possibly to like about it.  I certainly can't find a single things except for the comic book stlye breaks/narratives.  I didn't like any of the characters. I didn't like the story.  I hated the music.  I didn't like the special effects.  I especially didn't like Paris Hilton.  Whoever inspired her to start acting needs to be shot down in an abandoned warehouse in New Jersey

Erin: Why New Jersey? That's so predictable. Why not Kansas or Oklahoma?
And, well...I liked the campy nature of it. I like strange things, like Invader Zim and The Rocky Horror Picture Show. I liked the music. But then again, my favorite types of stories are those Orwellian ones about how horrible the future is going to be if we don't change the Metropolis, Brave New World, 1984... Although to be honest, none of the characters are likable, and that dance scene during that song all about how Shiloh is 17 - which is a stupid song in the first place - was just ridiculous. I thought the ending was a weird twist. Talk about a downer ending - that whole thing with Nathan poisoning her came out of nowhere for me.

Danni: You're right, New Jersey is too predictable.  How about Texas?  Nobody likes that horrible state anyway.  I wish we could just give it back to Mexico as some sort of peace offering or something.

Have you ever read Jhonen Vasquez's comics? He's the creator of Invader Zim and he wrote Johnny the Homicidal Maniac and Squee! (a spin-off of JTHM).  You'd like those, I think.

I loved Brave New World and 1984, those are some of my favorite books, but I just thought Repo! was for angsty goth teenagers and it wasn't really my style.  It was when I was, like.... 13, but not so much anymore.  Also, I didn't even know what was going on during the entire dang movie because I'm horrible at understanding lyrics in a song.  I'm completely deaf in the upper frequency, which means I have basically no understanding.  I can hear, I just don't understand what people say.  Sooo.... there goes 98% of the movie.  

Erin: That's okay with me. I never really cared for Texas much either, although I have friends from there.

I have read a bit of Johnny the Homicidal Maniac, and I liked it, but I was an idiot and threw it away while spring cleaning. I need to get some more again.

Wow, sorry about that. The plotline was a bit goofy - seriously, the world is corrupted by organs? - but I've heard of worse plotlines in horror movies. Isn't there one horror movie where trees are the villains?

Danni: We could possibly make an exception for Austin.  That's a pretty cool city.  Unfortunately, when I went there I went to a little buttmunch town called Marfa.  You know what's in Marfa? A random Prada store and that's it.  

JTHM is amazing.  One of my favorite comics of all time.  Also, I love Tank Girl.  ave you ever read Tank Girl?  It's pretty phenomenal, if I do say so myself.

I have to agree, the world being corrupted by a lack of organs is pretty ridiculous.  Making it into a musical?  Even worse.  I tried looking up this tree movie and all I got was a movie appropriately titled, "Trees".  Is that it?

Erin:  Marfa? Wow. That sounds way too close to Barf. And at first, I read "Prada" as "Panda", and I was about to say, that's pretty awesome! But Prada...not so much.

I've never read Tank Girl, but I have the movie based on the comics sitting in my Netflix Instant Play Queue.

I'm not sure that it was just the trees doing it, but plenty of horror movies have really lame plotlines. There was one Shyamalan (or however you spell it) movie where the environment was causing people to die...I mean, seriously?  I actually like the fact that Repo! is a musical. I think it helps make it campier. There's also a musical about Cannibals. I look forward to watching it.

Danni:  It is way too close to barf.  It's a disgusting little towna nd I hat eit.

The movie is good.  I liiked how it didn't follow the comics and just had it's own story.  I loved Lori Petty... couldn't imagine a better TG.  

You know what a great horror film is?  The Blair Witch Project.  I LOVE that movie.  It did for camping what Jaws did for the ocean.  Shall I post Repo?  Or is there more to talk about?

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